
segunda-feira, outubro 03, 2011

Indie - English Homework

Semana passada tive que fazer um texto sobre música para a aula de Inglês. Apesar de ter inúmeras idéias, não foi tão fácil colocar uma delas de forma coerente em inglês. A proposta era de ser um texto pequeno, com alguns pontos, ser detalhar demais. Segue abaixo o que saiu, espero que não tenha ficado bobo demais, mas foi o que deu pra elaborar! Vou escrever um pouco sobre Indie music em português e postar aqui no próximo post! Enquanto isto:

Indie, short word for "independent", is used to define any graphic artist, record label, musicians and anything produced without a major producer.
My favorite kind of music happens to be Indie Rock.
Indie artists are free to release whatever they want, to explore sounds and peculiar lyrics, no matter their commercial viability. They can dristribute their albums and manage tours on their own.
The internet has been a good music promoter allowing us to get to know any indie artist from anywhere.There are websites with dedicade pages to indie bands where they can demonstrate their work. Some sites will include a review of each album or song and allow it to be heard.
The down side is that they are outside of wider distribution channels. Many alternative bands has been tagged as "indie", but incorrectly so since an independent piece of music can be any style or sound.
My favorite indie band is Copeland from USA. They were formed in 2000 and together until 2009. I enjoy listening to indie music because it has a pure sound, usually lesser known artists, and is without commercial concerns.
Indie music has begun from all around the world and continues to grow and make a difference. It has become established as a legitimate alternative to commercially available music.


P.S. 1: Se você é a minha professora de Inglês e estiver lendo isso e pensando: ela tirou isso da internet, olha tá num blog! Na verdade esse blog é meu, professora, e eu tirei isso de ler uns quantos textos sobre indie, e tirei da minha cabeça mesmo! :*

P.S. 2: Se estiver algo errado, eu sou uma mera estudante :) 

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